What is student life like?

Student life at a university is more than just studying. It’s also meeting new friends, trying out your dream job, having coffee, doing the unexpected, forgetting about laundry time, putting theory into practice, eating noodles, making work contacts and maybe even falling in love.

Where is Trollhättan and University West located?

Housing guarantee

In Trollhättan we offer a housing guarantee for our students. The housing guarantee means that as a student you are guaranteed accommodation within 30 days. In Trollhättan you will find accommodation both in the middle of the city and a little outside the city center. Regardless of where you live, there are good transport links to the campus. Read more about the conditions for the housing guarantee here.

Study at our campus in Trollhättan.

Or study where you are?

Want to start studying – but don’t want to move? Do you want to further your education while continuing to work? A distance learning course can be fully remote or with a few on-site sessions. The advantage is a flexible way to study, for those who want to have a lot of freedom to decide when and where to study. Read more about distance learning here.

The Student Union SHV

The Student Union SHV works to ensure that your voice as a student is heard, that your education is of high quality but also that you have a fun time studying. More information on the SHV student union.


things I wish someone told me at the beginning of my studies

In the beginning, you will feel that school is everything.

You will spend all your time at school and you will attend all the lectures.

Calm down!

Take the weekend!

Think of your study period as a job – you work on weekdays and take weekends off.

Full stop!

You will cry

when you get your first retake, I did too. But everyone gets a re-examination or supplement at some point. Is it the whole world? No!


Celebrate everything that can be celebrated. Did you pass the exam? Celebrate! Did you fail the exam? Celebrate! Celebrating small things is important!

Don’t forget the life you had before.

I’ve always loved shopping the most (after my family and friends, of course), so it’s important for me to stick with it.

Create a Facebook group with your classmates.

You can ask anything you want to know without being judged.

Don’t study at home!

You will have ‘own studies’ at times. Instead, sit in a library, in a cozy café, or in a park if the weather permits.

Find the time of day that suits you best to study.

I study entirely at night. Find out what works best for you.

Do not compare yourself with your classmates.

Support and encourage each other “great job” and “you can do it next time, I’ll help you” to those who didn’t make it.


Student life is great and has so many benefits. You are in charge of your own time, you have a lot of free time. Student life is fun!

Tips from a trained teacher, Lovisa M.

Visit our Virtual Campus

Are you curious about our campus? Visit and experience our virtual campus. It is open 24-7. In our virtual campus, you can experience what it is like to study with us. You can also get more information about our programs and meet Aida, an avatar created by many different people at University West. Visit and experience our Virtual Campus here.

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